Diversify and Thrive! Add additional income streams to your therapy practice without a separate business or a huge investment.
In today's climate, therapists NEED additional income streams outside of their therapy practices. So many therapists are leveling up with exciting programs and offers, and there has never been a better time to start expanding your services outside of the therapy room.
But where do you even start?
Coaching programs are expensive. Some additional revenue streams require a whole separate business and a LOT of work to get started.
What would your offer even be about?
In this info-packed training, I'm going to teach you how to get started with 4 of my favorite income streams, things that I do every week in my business.
These are things you can ethically do within your therapy practice without a huge investment of time, money, or energy. These are doable income streams that you can get started on right away.
I believe that the diversification of money, time, and energy is the key to sustainable success as a therapist. The demand for mental health services keeps growing, and so does your burnout risk.
By diversifying your income streams, you can make more money, have more impact and have more fun!
Sign up here and it will land in your inbox right away!
Hi! I'm Michelle Risser.
I’ve always had a lot of irons in the fire.
From the time I was 14 years old working in an ice cream shop, I've had multiple streams of income. Some of my moonlighting gigs included tutoring, babysitting, bookkeeping, painting murals and playing guitar and singing in a bowling alley. I like to be busy, I have a lot of ideas and I get really excited about learning new things!
The very first full-time, 9-to-5 job I ever had was right after grad school, and I thought it was going to kill me. I remember thinking… how do people do this? I lasted exactly 4 years, hit major burnout, and once my daughter was born I said never again.
Now I’m back to multiple streams of income and having a lot more fun! I have a private therapy practice, I teach CEUs, I get paid to write, I do clinical consultation and coaching.
For fun, I sing in a choir, knit, still play guitar and hang out with friends and family. And, I love being a mom!
I want to do all of the things, and I know you do too.
© Copyrights by M Risser, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
M Risser, Inc
PO Box 252, Powell, OH 43016